Not Pepperoni Pizza?

Hello Sweet Pumpkins.

Today i wanted to share with you this delicious Pepperoni Pizza.. but wait! That's not Pepperoni Pizza, That's a raspberry pie!!

How are you doing lovelies? So today i just wanted to make a quick and unexpected post about what to do with leftovers? We all know how it's kind of annoying to make a pie or any pastry and have leftovers. 

Today i was making a raspberry cheesecake and have leftover crust and raspberry pulp, should i throw them? No of course not. So what i did instead was, after i was done with the cheesecake, i rolled my leftover pie crust into a small circle and folded in the corners, i then took a fork and poked some holes in it and popped it in the oven until it was perfectly done, about 15 minutes.

For my cheesecake i had to only use the juice from the raspberries so i had the pulp left, let's say it resembles jam. I then spreaded the "jam" on the crust and topped it off with some sliced bananas. 

Bonne Appétit Cuties ♡


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