Nectar of Nature/Beauty by LCD Paris ~Review~

Good Evening Pumpkins.

We all know about those Hella expensive health care products that you may get for more than 20$ each and develop an alergic reaction later.. Sucks to spend a lot of money on something that will go in a trash can.

However there's a brand called "Les Cosmetiques Design Paris" or "LCD Paris" that make two range of health care products that they call "Nectar of Nature" for all that is shampoos, conditionners, hair masks, exfloiators, etc.. and "Nectar of Beauty" for all that is hand wash, lip balms, colognes, etc..

What's special about this brand again, are the really affordable prices for really great products. I needed to get some health care products and decided to pick up some of that brand to talk to you about it.

So i got a hand gel, body scrub, cologne and a lip balm. I don't know about you but i think they use really unique ingredients. While other brands go for strawberry, almond, vanilla and other similar stuff, this brand goes with the aromas that aren't really that popular in all the other brands.

Hand Gel

Let's start off with the hand gel, the main ingredient here is Argan extract and we all know that Argan does wonders. And lemme tell you, this smells HEAVENLY! It's a really gentle hand wash and the smell doesn't just go away when you wash it off. 

I want to descripe that incredible smell but ugh.. it's just so good, i wish i could add a scratch thing for you guys to be able to smell it. It's like not chemically or that really strong artificial fruit scent but a really gentle yet amazing nutty smell.

Body Scrub

This one has as a main ingredient figs, not really sure how figs are good for the skin but we'll get tl that. It comes in a big 200ml tube and i guess i got that for like 3$ like.. amazing! I can't tell what it smells like buy i can tell thay it smells so freaking delicious.

And just like any other body scrub it has those fine let's call them crystals, you know those sugar like thingies in body scrubs. At first if you rub it between your fingers it kind of feels a little bit harsh and you'd think it will scratch your skin if you use it, however, i used it on the back of my hand and it's strangely really relaxing, those fine crystals aren't as harsh as they look it's as if they've been sanded to be more gentle on the skin.

Withing just 2 minutes of scrubing and washing it off i immediatly noticed how it made my hand really smooth and smelling so nice compared to my other hand. Girls if your hands have a tendency to be dry and flaky and not that girly like (like me lol) this is perfect, also if you want to impress your guy/girl heheh


If your mom, grandma, aunt or anyone in your family uses natural flavors for baking, you might be familiar with this scent, "Orange Blossoms". My mom is a traditional woman and likes to make traditional cookies and buns, and i really loved the smell of the batter when she used orange blossoms water, it's just so Nostalgic.

This Cologne is just that. It smells so refreshing and it feels so refreshing as well. Not a cologne for winter time but if you don't really carr about the weather it would smell nice even if it's hell outside. Ever since i got it (Which is not long ago) i've been using it every night and i just find myself smiling with my pillow for no reason lol

Lip Balm

Unlike those usual almond oil lip balms we're used to, this one is made of Walnut oil which for me is a first and a never seen it before. It is brown colored but the color doesn't transfer actually, tho i wish it did, i wish it was a pigment i really like brown. You get thag much product in the tube :

Which is pretty much how much you get in any other tube lip balm. The smell isn't really strong kind of a warm nutty smell, just a hint lt of scent. At first when i applied it i didn't really like it, it felt as if it was doing nothing. But after some swipes it finally applied smoothly, i guess it had that same thing new lipsticks have so yeah after some swipes it was amazing. Doesn't feel waxy and when you touch your lips you can't feel it there but if you rub your lips together you can feel it. Like it penetrates the skin to really moisturize the lips and what do we wish for more than that.

Well all in all this another brand that i approve of, would i recommend it? Yes, absolutely! If you like to feel  the nature then 10/10 would recommend this brand.

Lovely Night Pumpkins ♡


  1. Let me know from where i can brought this

    1. Any Drug store tbh not sure if they sell that worlwide but pretty sure amazon have them

  2. Thank You so much and glad you appreciated it ^^


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