Applying for a job 📃

Well Hello Pumpkins.

So just like any other girl i like to buy stuff and sometimes it feels like you never have enough. But i noticed that i've been spending a lot and my father would pay for my things, so i decided to apply for a job.

Lemme tell you, i have never applied for a job before, all of this is a first for me. So lately i applied for a job, online, on a call center as customer service sent my cv and got a message on my email telling me they'll contact me as soon as possible. So i tried to be as aware of phone calls as possible.

One day i was outside and had my phone in the bag so i coudn't hear it. Once i got home i found a missed call from an unknown phone number, i tried calling back but the call wouldn't go through so i thought to myself maybe it's just my phone operator. So i've waited and waited and waited and no response. I lost hope, i was like oh well who would need a girl with no experience at all.

So i just got back to doing my usual stuff, everyday routine until a few days ago i recieved a phone call from that same number and luckily i had my phone on my hands. So i answered and the conversation went like this :

"Yes Hello, is this Miss Joy?"
"Yes ma'am"
"Good Afternoon Miss Joy, i'm from X call center and i called you to know if you're still interested in applying for the job?"
"Yes of course"
"Alright Miss Joy, so you're still a student right? How do you think you can manage to work at the same time?"
"Well i actually do some self study i have all the lessons so it isn't that hard for me i only need to pass the finals"
"Alright so i want to ask you a question, let's say for exemple a customer calls for a complaint, how would you handle that situation?"
"Well, first of all i need to calm down the customer and try to understand what's the issue, then i will try to find a solution that will suit both of us"
"Okay yes i agree, you're right Miss Joy. So, do you think you can come tomorrow at 8:30am for your job interview? You'll be there with some other colleagues, what do you think?"
"Yes sure 8:30 am it is?"
"Alright then i'll be there"
"Okay amazing! So don't forget to bring two copies of your cv and two others of your indentity card"
"Alright okay, Thank you"
"Well Thank Youu have a good day"

So yeaaaah, i wasn't ready at all! I didn't expect it to be that fast, i didn't prepare myself nor did i have the right clothing for a job interview and my eyebrows and mustache were bushy i was just like Oh God! It was like 5:00 pm i didn't have much time to shop or anything. What should i dooooo?

So i quickly went over to my closet tried to find the most basic pants i had, it was a highwaisted burgundy pants, and looking for a cute top, not professional but still looks a bit better than my casual baggy tops. Then i ran to the nearest beautician and had my eyebrows and mustache (lol) done and oh lord!

The next day i woke up earlier than ever, prepared myself, had breakfast and went ahead. Once there i was guided to a room with computers, there was already a dude there, took a seat and he handed me some papers. It was a bunch of papers including informations about the call center, the salary, the social advantages and basically everything i would've asked about.

They gave us time to read everything and for others to gather, and then a nice lady came in, introduced herself and asked us to present ourselves too and went on with explaining in more details what was written in the papers, she asked us if we had any questions about unclear points and was really kind.

She then proceeded to explain to us that the job interview was in two parts, the first one that is a test, to see our abilities in language, so then she switched on the computers and gave each one of us the code that leads us to our personal test and so it began.

I answered all the questions there were 100 in total and clicked "End of the test" i thought well that's cool it was easy, but then, i was suprised with a data processing test and holy crap! I was nervous at that point. What do i even know about that?! I haven't used a computer or laptop since a very long time how should i answer?! At a moment i freaked out, so i took a deep breath, started with the easier questions and then proceeded to try to use some logic for the other ones.

After a few minutes, the lady came back and was like "Oh so you're done? Can you please follow me then" Oh god! What now? So i followed the lady to her office and she was like 

"So how did you do? What do you think of the test?"
"Well it was easy, it was cool, though i wasn't really good in the data processing one but i gave it my best"
"But you still scored 75% in that test"
"As for the french test you scored a 90 smtg% that's great you did a very good job"
"Oh Thank You"

So then she asked me the same question again she asked me before on the phone and obviously i gave her the same answer and then she told me to go to their second local and asked for a X person that was going to do the second part of the interview with me. It wasn't far just a 5 or 10 minutes walk to there.

So once there i asked to see the man and they asked me to wait of course after a few minutes i've been called. Oh Boy! What's waiting for me again? We took the elevator and once arrived holy crap again! It was a whole new world it felt as if i traveled in time to the future. Everything was new, there was glass everywhere and i don't even know how to explain.

I sat there and waited for the man to call me and then he did, followed him to his office and he proceeded to introduce himself and asked me to introduce myself too but in more details (name, age, studies, professional training if i had any) then he asked me again about if i was sure i could work eventho i'm still studying so i assured him i could and then he asked me yet again the question about that situation with a customer having a complaint.

Then he explained to me briefly what they do in that call center and stuff. Then he simulated a conversation with a customer, he said it was fine if i didn't know what to say he's just testing my knowledge and so on, he also asked me about my hobbies and asked me to talk about them. Then he told me that he will send my results to that nice lady and they'll give me a phone call to notify me about the answer.

So this morning i got a phone call from that lady congratulating me and asking me if i could start this afternoon. Again i wasn't ready because woah that was really fast and i had stuff to do so i nicely asked if i could report it to tomorrow so she was like "Alright i'll talk to the superiors and let you know"

10 mins, 20 mins, 40 mins, 1h, 2h. At some moment i thought "Well! You screwed up Joy" i thought to myself she will never call me again and i just lost the job. So i went on with the stuff i had to do then was just wondering what would happen if i call (on her personal number tho) so i did, and she was like "you called at the right time! I wanted to inform you that you will be starting this monday, do you have some time later to come and collect some papers?" Well of course how could i refuse i excitedly said "Yes Yes sure thing i can!" 

And that's how my first time applying for a job went. Really stressful but i'm glad i could experience this whole interview thing and how it works, i gained some knowledge for when i need it in the future. 

Well then Pumpkins, Lovely Night ♡


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