Wishlist from Zaful

Well Hello There Pumpkins.

Let me just tell you, i never shopped for clothes online so i'm all new to this and obviously i never tried anything from Zaful. But i've seen a lot of people shop from there and from what i saw it was good quality clothings with low prices.

Today i'm sharing with you my wishlist from there, not sure if i can place the order for everything at once or in parts but we will see depending on my wallet lol.


I really like this velvet dress, obviously it's not a winter time outfit but i liked it and i thought i'd get it now that it is still available.

My blog's name isn't Joy's Wonderland for nothing. You guessed it right, i really love Alice In Wonderland, and this hoodie is like perfection for me.

Personally, i don't like having my butt exposed (not that i go out naked) but i like to wear tops that covers it so this hoodie is a Yes yes from me. Not sure which color tho, might end up getting both.

This one is a cute cropped sweater, i don't see myself wearing it with my belly showing but i'll most likely weart it with high waisted pants or skirt.

I might be. But for real i really like this hoodie, it looks snuggly and everytime i see a hood with cat ears or whatever animal ears i just think "SO CUTE"

I lovr oversized hoodies and the fact that the face looks fed up is really calling for me lol

Reference to American Horror Story. Who doesn't like that serie anyway

I just don't know i just thought it was cute. Not all that warm looking but still can do in warmer days.

I never had a hooded shirt and this one also have a long back so i thought "That's it". It looks like the previous hoodies but that's still a shirt (lol) doesn't look too cozy but again can wear it in warmer days, maybe spring why not.

Christmas isn't around every day but whatever, who cares right? We can still rock christmas sweaters.

I saved this one for last because i wanted to tell you about that matter. I am REALLY cold. While my parents are still wearing short sleeves at home i am already wearing a warm top and wrapping a blanket around me. I get cold easily i can't just wear a jacket and problem solved.

I have to wear something cozy on top of a body then a jacket or coat plus a beanie and a scarf without forgetting the gloves. Maybe it's just because i'm skinny but i really get cold.

Coats and Vests

I have no idea about why are the prices different but this sure is a cute coat. Reminds me of those Lolita dresses.

This coat has a steampunky vibe to it and i really like it

These ones wouldn't show when i click on them because right now they're out of stock but you get the idea, righy?

I Looove cardigans however much coats can be warm i just think these are cozier and snuggly and also look cute.


I saw my sister wearing an embroided pair of jeand it looked really cool on her so i went for it. I love how it's not totally skinny it's kind of like a mom jeans.

Black pants because everytime i want to style an outfit with black pants i can't find any, i do have two but one is no longer jet black and the second one looks more professional than casual. I didn't really like anyone in the stores here but these too are simply and cool.


I love combat boots and rangers and these ones got me drooling but i'll have to choose one or two pairs because i know i'll be yelled at from my mom for "wasting money on the exact same shoes" lol

These two!! I can't even say how i feel about them i just love them and ... ugh. I might end up getting both colors they're both pretty.

I don't really wear high heels but i love sparkly things and these look warm too so i might give them a try

Holo is life! And they're als platform, they're calling my name yaaaas!


I love how this pillow isn't all black and has a uniform back, that way you can choose to show whatever side you feel like it.


You heard of sleevless shirts now get ready for 

Shirtless sleeves 😂 No but for real i won't get these that's just ridiculous lol

So that's it you guys this is my wishlist from Zaful, depending on the situation of my wallet (lol) i'll see if i make an order for all of the articles or separately. I'll post an update later when i get them and give you the review on everything.

Lovely night Pumpkins 


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