Henna or Mehndi 💮

Good evening Sunshines.

Do you like henna? Because i do. I really like the designs and how it differs depending on the culture, and how small or big designs look equally stunning. Just like cooking, making a henna paste, drawing the design and revealing the result takes patience. Just like a cake batter than needs to be lump free, henna paste also needs to be smooth and as said it needs to be a paste, not runny nor stiff.

Also, not just anyone can take a henna cone or needle and draw beautifully, they need to have stable hands and be proportional, you can't draw a big rose on the hand of a little girl, or draw a lot of details on slender fingers. Mostly a henna "lady" , as i call her, can eyeball what design would suit the person depending on the size of their hands and feets as well. Not that those having shaky hands can't do it but they will most likely mess it up a lot of times and need to wipe off the mistakes repeatedly.

Another thing and as i mentioned before is patience. You don't expect your henna to come up beautifully red if you're going to take it off after 10 minutes. Henna develops its color when it's being left on the skin for a long while, so what the Henna lady does or advise you to do is to soak a cotton ball in a saturated water (1 part water + 2 parts sugar) and lightly dab it on the henna to soak it and let it stain the skin. You'll want to leave your henna overnight for better results, basically when you decide to have a henna tattoo you need to be prepared to do nothing with your hands that day, well except eating of course lol.

Personally since i like henna, i tried to draw on my own hands since i don't really like the ones they do here. I'm a craftsy person and i've been drawing since forever, unfortunately i have shaky hands and as i mentioned before, i had to wipe off the mistakes everytime. It wasn't the most perfect henna tattoos but i did them passionately and got so excited to see the result the next day. 

(The pictures are some of the henna tattoos i drew)

Note: i don't remember where i got inspiration for these designs, so if anyone recognizes their design, feel free to tell me in the comments. Thank You.

Lovely Night Pumpkins ♡


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