Embarrassing/Awkward Situations 😳

Well Hello Pumpkins.

We all have been through it, embarrassing situations that is. So today i came up with some embarrassing situation you might relate to and i probably will too.

1• When you have something really interesting or funny to say but you keep beint interrupted and when you can finally speak they're already out of the topic.

2• Or when you were excited while telling a joke because you thought it was hilarious and you got no reaction on it ot just a fake smile.

3• When you've always been changing in your bedroom at night and never knew your curtains were completely seethrough with the lights on.. and that your neighbors probably might have seen you naked multiple times..

4• Quick story, yesterday i went to the ophtalmologist and completely forgot i had my lenses on. It's like going to a dentist for a cavity while chewing on some candies. What a great day to be alive.

5• When you thought no one was upstairs so you kept walking naked from your room to the bathroom and end up running into your parents or siblings. Worst if your siblings had unexpected friends over. Omg!

6• When you're eating with a bunch of people and that piece of lettuce from hell just won't get right into your mouth so it just stays there hanging on your chin

7• When you were with someone on the phone and accidently didn't press the hang up button and starts gossiping about them with someone else, while they're hearing everything.

8• When you applied for a job and made it clear on your CV that you were always available, and the day they decide to call you for an interview your phone of course was on silent mode.

9• When you lied to someone about being sick or just busy and you run into them in the same place you were.. hanging out in

10• When you see someone you used to know a long time ago and they say "Hey" so you smile and say "Hey" back but they actually didn't recognize you and they said it to a person that was in the same direction..

11• When you set to hang out with a friend, and when you meet they're with a person you're not talking to anymore, and you have to just make it happen because you promised to hang out with that friend..

12• When you walk next to the police car and start being nervous and be afraid you'd be arrested for who knows what crime you never committed

13• When you want to handshake with someone but some other impatient and unconsiderate soul rushes to do that before you and you just leave your hand there, hanging, feeling the breeze

14• When you want to cheek kiss someone but get confused and end up kissing them on the lips.. just.. just.. omg

15• When your crush blurts out out of nowhere the deadly question "Umm, do you like me or..?" JESUS! who asks this question lord have mercy

16• Again when you're with a group of people and you obviously aren't done eating yet but the waiter comes and asks if he should clear the table to bring dessert next and those unfaithful betrayers of so-called friends actually say yes

17• When you speak a language really fluently and you get to the moment you will finally use it for something useful and you just stutter like a kid learning the alphabet for the first time

18• When you're in a fast food waiting in line and instead of thinking of what you want to get you start chit chatting with your friend and when it's your turn you just stand there dazed, and somehow the menu is unclear all of a sudden

19• When you go to a coffee shop and think you'll order a drink as you always do but they have alien like names for their products and sizes so you just.. "Give me whatever.."  that's why i stick to my usual Café

So that's all i could come up with guys, some things that actually happened to me, and some that happened in front of my eyes and some i thought would be really embarrassing/awkward. Let me know what are your embarrasing or awkward situations.

Have a great day Pumpkins ♡


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