Beat Fever 🎮♩

Well Hello Sweet Pumpkins.

This is going to be a long post. But basically i wanted to talk to you about this phone game called "Beat Fever".

I'm actually really curious about apps so i from time to time check what's new. There was that time when i opened the play store and i had a recommendation of the game. It wasn't out yet but i subscribed to be notified when it's out and that pretty much what happened.

So what is Beat Fever? You know guitar hero? Tap tap studio? It's similar to those but instead of just playing song and hitting notes, this game makes you feel like you're in a real life where music rules and to survive you have to play the songs. Kind of like an Anime.

The graphics tho! They're just amazing i didn't expect at first for it to be that nicely designed so it took me by surprise when i clicked the game and the first screen appeared. Hats down for the team.

 The main menu :

In the game, there is a button in the down right side where you can access to a menu. Let talk about the main menu first:

This is the main menu in the game, it's like a map, well, it is a map. Here you can access to the crew hall, the main stories, the all access stories which are vip ones, the arena let's say it's a battle area and the events.

 The Crew Hall

Well let's see those indepts. Starting off with the Crew hall:

Here you find four different generators, two for the gems which are those little red diamonds that lets you make purchases in the game, an energy generator which is the yellow ☇ sign, it is used in stories and previously in the daily hub also (yes because there was a daily hub before) and finally the stamina generator which is the blue ☇ sign that is used in the Arena and Events, we'll get into that later. 

But unfortunately for me i can't activate them because these are for vip members which i'm not (lol broke a** life ). There is also a loyalty trader where you trade your loyalty point, that you get from collecting missions from the crew, for either story grabs or rare essence. We'll get to those later too.

 The Main Story

Onto the main story : 

So the main  story is consisted of 8 zones called : Sakura, Temple, Gaia, Hangar 88, Lost Coast, Gambit, Silent Sands and Source. Each zone has a number missions to complete so that you can unlock the next zone, and those missions of course are finishing the songs and beating the "Beat Monsters", let's say something like a rap battle, the whole battle is about songs so yeah.

Each zone has a number of energy needed to complete a mission, for exemple in Sakura, you start with 5☇, the more you move forward to the next, you start playing with one more energy, so it goes like: Sakura 5☇ Temple 6☇ Gaia 7☇ etc..

Every zone has a crew song, what's a crew song? Well when you start the game you get to a point where you need to join a crew. 

So when a player decides to form a crew he is naturally the admin and he has to invite 50 members for the crew to be complete. Only the admin can activate the crew song and then all members can play it to complete the goal. When the song is complete each player get a gift. 

 The All Access Stories

There are also the stories for Vip members :

I'm really sorry i can't show you further than that about the vip stories since i don't have the full access yet. But anyway the all access stories consist of 6 zones : Wave, Justice, Dj Dallas, Zarina, Zapp and Decker. And i believe the goal is the same as the main story, you have differenr missions to achieve.

But what's different and actually really cool (You start feeling like a King/Queen) is that when you're a vip member you have illimited energy and stamina, pretty cool huh.

• The Arena

Moving on to the Arena :

This is what the Arena looks like, the one i called a battle zone. And if you guessed it right, here you play vs other players and may the odds be with you (lol). In the Arena you play with Staminas, and you get 3 staminas every 3 hours but if you're a vip member you don't need to worry about that since you basically play freely. 

When you win a battle you get a mystery coffer, you have place for 3 coffers only but it goes along with the 3 staminas you have so yeah. You need to unlock the coffers to make place for other coffers.

You get to choose between three different songs and then the game randomly matches you with someone (no this is not Tinder) and you basically battle.

Everytime you win your rank rises and the higher your rank is the most likely you get a gift later. At the end of each battle you get to see your scores (you and the other player) your accuracy, your power and the beat monsters each one used to play.

• Beat Monsters

What are the Beat Monsters? 

Here you can find your beat monsters.

And these are the beat monsters. You may have noticed that they're sorted by colors, and each color matches a song, because songs are sorted by colors too. You don't get that many beat monsters from the start, you need to win them from the prize grab , collect them by beating them in different zones or get them from an essence trader. 

There are six types of beat monsters, the common ones that are easily found and usually used to feed stronger BM's (Yes cannibalism lol), rare ones which are good but they can becomes stronger when fed, super ones which are the 3 stars ones, ultras , epics and Special ones which are used to evolve other monsters from the same color

These right here are called charms you get them from the prize grab or while playing a song and you use them to equip your Beat monsters they too add some power to your BM.

When a beat monster isn't in any team you have the Manage button that gives you three options. You either add the monster to your team, salvage it or sell it and become rich (that's not true but you can still sell it anyway to leave some more space).

Salvaging a Beat Monster

Back to Salvaging. When you salvage a Beat Monster it's basically as if you sell it that means you don't have it anymore but instead your beat monster gets recycled into an essence that matches its type. So when you salvage a rare monster you get a rare essence, a super monster gives you super essence and so it goes on.

The Generators and Traders

At this point you might be wondering "Joy, what the heck are essences?! You've been talking about those for a while" well essences are some sort of currency that you use to trade them for beat monsters. Remember the generators in the crew hall and the loyalty trader? Well, in each zone from the main story you have a generator and two traders.

You have four generators that you need to unlock, one that generates gold, one that generates story grabs, one that generates charms and one that generates special monsters. And you have two traders, the gold trader where obviously you trade gold for whatever you can find there and find useful and the essence trader, where you trade the essence you get for a beat monster 

• The Essence Trader

And it looks like this :

You need a certain number of essence to trade them for beat monsters and remember each beat monster you salvage gives you the essence that matches its type. So rare essences gets you super monsters, super essences gets you Ultra monster, etc.. Those special monsters you say? These are used to evolve Stronger monsters, a royal diner if you want.

And this is how you build up stronger teams, by gettinf stronger monsters. 

The Events

Now let's talk about the events. Events aren't there for every day, each event has 5 days to end and the next day or two days laters another event is up, and each of them has a theme.

The event like the main story, consists at first of completing the main missions then you get into a Boss that you need to beat. You can choose to beat the boss by using only one stamina or up to 12 staminas, by using more staminas your score doubles or triples or or or depending on how many staminas you use. There is a crew song in the event zone as well except this one gives you trophies when the crew finishes it.

"Joy, but you said you only have 3 staminas how are we supposed to use 12?!" That's what gems are for.

• Gems

See this? This is where you find your gems. Gems are used to buy stamina, energy, gold, prize grabs, clothes.. you either get them slowly by completing missions that reward gems, or trade a number of shards that you get from the gem shards generator or from watching videos, or you can get them by simply buying them.

But don't worry, that's what surveys are for:

By completing the surveys you basically get gems for free and thus making you be able to buy energy and stamina or clothes if you want or anything that calls for the use of gems.

• Prize Grab

Let's talk about the prize grab shall we?

You know that claw machine you find in malls? Well that's it, except that you don't actually know what you will get it depends on your luck. 

There are 6 prize grabs and each one is aimed for a kind of prize :

You either get the prize grabs by collecting the points by playing the songs or you get the story grab from the generator or again you use gems for spins.

Beat TV

You saw that right? That's where you watch videos about the game and get rewards, each day there's a new reward :


This is where you dress up your character and if you click on the little face logo on top :

You can change your character's features, nothing so hard or unclear.

•  The Message Center

In the bottom left side of the page there's another button :

Yup, this one. This is the message center you click it you can access to messages you recieve from other players, you can form a group chat, you can see your achievements and you also find your gift box there.

If you click on the little face logo, you can search for friends and add them or message them :

• Missions

There are three types of missions. -The daily missions : 

By completing those ou get a gem and xp points as a reward.
 -The Songs missions :

This is were the main story missions are. But once you unlock all the zones in the main story and finish all the main missions, you start getting random missions, they aren't necessary but you can get rewards by completing them.
-The Event Missions:

Here you find the event missions whenever there's an event (U No Say)

Your Profile 

Here on top is where you can find your profile. If you click on it :

You get informations about your username, your level, your power ranking, you can start multiplayer battles and you have access to your closet and to the settings.

Here in the settings you can find your reference code. When a player enters the code you both get 25 points of premium grab when the both of you has reached the fifth level. You can only enter a code once.

Well that's all i have to say about the game i hope i didn't forget anything and for now let's move on to the community.

Beat Fever's Community :

Beat Fever has a Facebook page of course but also a group, where members share their skills, ask questions about the game, share problems they might have encountered in the game, share ideas of possible improvement, etc..

The game staff members are really nice people, they're always active, they're always there to try and solve the problems, they really understanding and they do a really great job and big efforts to improve the game and let everyone enjoy their time. Big respect to the Beat Fever staff!

I've found myself really liking to post on the group i always get a nice laugh and it is there that i got to know a really nice and funny person that i'd like to call "the drug dealer" (not that he is a real drug dealer but after some conversations that's the name he will be going by from now on lol)

So yeah that's about it, excuse the really long post but i tried to be as precise as possible and maybe be a kind of guide book for newbies.

Have a lovely night Pumpkins ♡


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