Art Instead of Heart

Good evening Cutie Pies.

Earlier i posted on my instagram account a question about whether i should write a makeup review or share my drawings with you? And since the majority who liked the post were artists i decided i'll start with the drawings.

I am no professional artist i just draw as a relaxing hobby, so mainly i recreate drawings or dooddles i liked, i however sometimes make my own drawings. Please guys if you recognize any drawing let me know about the original owner of them for me to put their names.

So i was reading this manga called "Otome Ni Nante Naremasen"

And this guy confessed to the girl he likes undirectly and blushed and i thought it was really adorable (fangirling) 

So i paused my reading and started drawing his blushy face and couldn't stop smiling as i was doing so lol

(I Used to sign as Abigail because that's what they call me, or sometimes Abi)

This next one is a Doodle i don't remember where i've seen it but i was bored and tried to recreate it :

Look at those cute little faces awwww

I don't know why i took a picture of it with coloured pencils and markers when it's obviously all black.. Oh wait! That's right because i used them in the next drawing

Again i don't know where that came from but i still recreated it and if someone recognizes it let me know

How beautifully colourful it is! And if i put an N&B filter on it it can become a Henna Template too, a drawing multitasking eheh

Beautiful! I applaud the original owner of this design it's mesmerizing

This Next one is a Phoenix, i had in mind the desire to draw a bird but i thought a simple bird isn't really what i'm looking for so i ended up choosing to draw a Phoenix

I started outlining the main lines, then went on it again with the details. I actually had a picture of the original drawing but the Art Gods must hate me and i couldn't find it. My God!

This next on i actually recreated it in class (lol) 

I was actually bored and had a 4 hours class of the same subject and this doodle summed up perfectly what was going on in my mind at the time

Okay okay, enough of drawing i recreated from other people's work or copied from a manga. These two are actually my own work

She looks kinda derpy (haha) i tried to use the minimum possible of colors as i like the beauty of pencil coloured drawings. The freckles aren't that much visible but they're there

This one is the very first drawing i'll make with my phone and it actually turned out pretty good,

Not bad for someone who never drew on an electronic device 

Oh yeah and tried to make later this one too, that is pretty much the same thing tho 

Only with no colours, white eyes, chubbier face, cat ears and face mark on the forehead (Silly! That makes them different) well let's say these are members of some Ninja Clan or something lol

Well that's all i got for you lovelies, i'll try to look for more drawings i made and put them up on an another post if you want to see more. Let me know what do you think and 

Sweetie night lovely apples ♡


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